Friday, March 7, 2008

Shots of the Salt River Area

Welcome to my Blog.
Here I will post what I want others to see. Most of my posting will be of my adventures.

Billy and I went on an excursion into the Mountains just behind us and only a few minutes away. It is almost spring and Arizona has had a good amount of rain this year. The desert is popping with color and carpeted with the lush green of what will soon be dry brush.
This is my first year Arizona, as my friends and family all know, and I haven't yet begun to emerse myself in the extraordinary surroundings just a few minutes from home.
The mountains surrounding the Apache Junction and East Mesa area are unbelievably gorgeous. No two days are alike. The light hits the Superstitions casting shadows and creating a sense of forboding mystery.
This day was not in the Superstitions however, we were in the hills off to the left. It was a bright day with a pleasent light breeze. Few clouds in the clear blue sky. For most of my walk I could not see the screen of the camera which does not have a view finder. I did not know what I had until I got home. It was like Christmas.
Below are some of what I have touched up. Enjoy.